Welcome to WALA 2015 Annual Conference!
This year’s edition will be taking place in Athens, on September 9-11, hosted by Athens International Airport (AIA)

We hope to see you soon in this exciting city!

About WALA
WALA (Worldwide Airport Lawyers Associations) is registered in Vancouver, Canada, and was conceived in Prague, Czech Republic, on September 2007, where destiny gathered lawyers from airport operators in different countries worldwide. At that moment the attending delegates agreed about the fact that air/aeronautical law in each of their countries was outdated to face the new reality of airport service and operation, which required specialized legal knowledge. Consequently they agreed about the need to create and promote worldwide a forum, a meeting place in which airport lawyers and all others that might be interested can develop, share and debate relevant issues in their field of law.

Seven months later WALA became a reality with the first edition of the conference taking place in Spain. Since then subsequent editions of the annual meeting took place in Madrid, Lisbon, Dallas, Amsterdam, Montreal and Buenos Aires.

For more information about WALA please visit www.wala.aero

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